-- 27 festivals in 2019
-- 1 festival in 2020
-- 8 festivals in 2021
-- 21 festivals confirmed for this year, 2022, so far!
We're doing all we can to bring it back to what it was before 2020. Hare Krishna!
Below is Festival of India's schedule for 2022 As It Is today.
Please be sure to check back often, as there will be changes...
***March 6…..Pheonix, Arizona--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***May 28-30…..Baltimore, Md.-- Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***June 4-5…..Atlanta, Ga.—Panihati Cida-dadhi; Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***June 11…..New York, N.Y.--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
June 12…..New York, N.Y.--50th Anniversary Sri Sri Radha Govinda's Installation/Reunion
***June 18…..Hartford, Ct.--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***June 24 and 25…..Columbus, Ohio--Ground-Breaking ceremony for New Temple & Festival of India
***July 2…..Parsippany, New Jersey--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***July 9-10…..Montreal, Quebec, Canada--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***July 16-17…..Toronto, Ontario, Canada--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***July 24…..Calgary, Alberta, Canada--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***July 30 and 31…..Redmond, Wa.--Ananda-Mela Indian Cultural Fest
***August 7…..Los Angeles, Ca.--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***August 14…..San Francisco, Ca--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***August 19…..Vancouver, B.C., Canada—Sri Krishna Janmastami & Festival of India
***August 20…..Vancouver, B.C., Canada—Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja
***August 27-28…..Vancouver, B.C., Canada--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***September 3-4…..Seattle, Wa.--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***September 17.....Ashburn, Va.--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***September 24…..Philadelphia, Pa.--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
***October 8.....El Paso, Tx--Ratha-Yatra & Festival of India
October 25…..Prabhupada Village, Sandy Ridge, NC--Govardhana-puja
October 28…..Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance
Thanksgiving.....Alachua, Fl.--Holy Name Festival
December 24th.....San Juan, P.R.--Ratha-Yatra Festival
Great news, after more than 12 years, Festival of India will be going back to New Jersey! As you can see on the above schedule, devotees in Parsippany, NJ confirmed their festival date. Hare Krishna!
If you want a Ratha-Yatra and/or a Festival of India on your University Campus, or in your town, please contact devotees in your local area--ask them to bring Festival of India to your city! You can also contact Festival of India directly--email to: madhuha@festivalofindia.org Hare Krishna!
***2022 CONFIRMED Festival dates
We'll be updating the schedule promptly--as soon as we receive changes and confirmations, so please check back soon. Hare Krishna.
For info on FLORIDA Ratha-Yatra Festivals please CLICK HERE
New Vrindavan Ratha-Yatra...Wheeling, W.V., New Vrindavan--Ratha-Yatra//For info call 304-843-1600